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Play great games.
Make great games.

This is the PicoBoy V2. The ultimate handheld console for not only playing great games but also making great games. With a new, sleeker design and an impossibly low price, the PicoBoy V2 is fun and accessible for both new and experienced developers and gamers. It sports the PicoBoySDK, a developer environment that is as easy as it is powerful to use, allowing anyone of any skill level to make amazing games. The PicoBoy V2 can be bought as a kit or as a prebuilt, allowing you to make your own videogame console and learn to solder in the process. This is the PicoBoy V2, an impossibly powerful, inexpensive, and easy-to-use handheld console.


A powerfully efficient operating system.

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Home Screen

PBOS (PicoBoy Operating System) is the powerfully efficient operating system of the PicoBoy. It has an intuitive, user-friendly interface that is easy to use. It has effortless game development with the PicoBoySDK, allowing anyone to make their own games, no matter their experience. PBOS is your gateway to the vast world of the PicoBoy.

Pushing the Limits.

Running complex games on an impossibly small processor.

This is the RP2040, the processor at the heart of the PicoBoy. While the RP2040 may be small, don't let its looks deceive you. It is incredibly powerful and capable of running amazing games. With the power of PBOS, the RP2040 can do amazing things. Running at 133 MHz, the RP2040 can play a wide variety games. The RP2040 may be small, but with the power of PBOS, it can pack a powerful punch.

Effortlessly Easy

Easy-to-use, high-quality software for interacting with your PicoBoy.

The PicoBoy Software Suite is a collection of powerful software that makes managing your PicoBoy as easy as pi. At the heart of the suite is PicoBoy Communication Software, an easy-to-use program that allows you to manage your games, backgrounds, operating system, and settings. It is incredibly efficient, using very little processing power to run, allowing any kind of computer to run it. The PicoBoy Software Suite completes the PicoBoy; without it, there would be no PicoBoy.

Awe-Inspiring Games.

Amazingly unique games made by everyone.

The PicoBoy has a large library of amazingly unique games to choose from. There is no need for programming if you don't want to; the PicoBoy community makes some amazing games that you can download and play. Play amazing games like Breakout, Paint, Starship, and Flappy Bird, with many more waiting to be discovered in the future.

DIY or Prebuilt:
You Choose.

Build it yourself, or have it expertly built for you.


Get the PicoBoy V2 in two awesome options: prebuilt or kit. With the prebuilt, just power it on and get to playing; it's that easy, with no soldering required. The kit is for makers and tinkerers; it allows you to fully understand the inner workings of the PicoBoy V2 by allowing you to solder it together yourself. Whether you choose to buy a prebuilt or a kit, the PicoBoy V2 provides endless possibilities for making and gaming.

Tech Specs

A lot of power in a small form-factor.


An impossibly cheap device that is worth its weight in gold.

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Kit - $39.99

The PicoBoy V2 is impossibly cheap, at only $39.99 for the kit and $49.99 for the prebuilt. This allows anyone to buy a kit and get gaming. The 3D-printed parts are not included by default but can be included for $10 extra.

Get Yours Today

Only $39.99 for the kit and $49.99 for the prebuilt.

Start your journey with the PicoBoy V2 today. Click the button below to buy now.

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